Sri Lanka

Capital: Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.

Commercial Center: Colombo.

Area: 65,606 sq kms (25,322 sq miles).

Dialing Code: +94.

President: Excellency Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Prime Minister: Excellency Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Official Languages: Sinhala, Tamil and English is widely used and understood in tourist areas.

Religion: Buddhism (69%), Hinduism (16%), Islam (8%), Christianity (7%).

Population: 21.4 million.

Time: Sri Lanka Time is 5.30 hours ahead of Greenwich Time (GMT +05.30).

International Airport: Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake (34km north of Colombo).

Currency: Sri Lankan Rupee (one Rupee = 100 Cents).

Highest Water Fall: Bambarakanda ~ 241 meters.

Highest Peak: Pidurutalagala ~ 2524 meters.

Longer River: Mahaweli ~ 335 Km.

Sri Lanka: The wonder of Asia; A landmark destination in the ancient Spice Trail, Sri Lanka is bursting with wonder. It is an island country located off the southern coast of India. Sri Lanka is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, the Palk Strait, and lies in the vicinity of India and the Maldives. The geography of Sri Lanka includes coastal plains in the north and hills and mountains in the interior.

Sri Lanka is blessed with outstanding natural beauty; from the shores of its gorgeous beaches, through its exotic forests, and up to its mountained highlands.  The small island nation showcases a wide range of animals and a richly diverse cultural history, set in a warm tropical climate, and presented to visitors by its friendly local people.

No wonder then that it has been a much fought over gem in its 3000 years of history, with the first western influences being in the form of the Portugese from their arrival in 1506 and through the 16th century, then supplanted by the Dutch who completed displacing the Portugese in 1656. Sri Lanka was under British rule from 1796 – 1948, during which time it was known as Ceylon.  Its current name of Sri Lanka was adopted in 1972.

Today finds Sri Lanka as an independent island nation just off the south-east coast of India.  It measures approximately 250 miles from top to bottom, and up to about 120 miles from side to side.  The country has two official languages – Sinhalese and Tamil, plus English is widespread especially in business and is formalized as a ‘link language’ in the country’s constitution.

The country’s people enjoy a largely easy-going lifestyle, with an economy that is once more positively growing (7.8% in 2010, 8.3% in 2011 and 6% in 2012) as it recovers from its troubled past.  Unemployment is relatively low at about 4.5%.

Come on a wild journey across the irresistible island of Sri Lanka and see the country’s stunning landscapes, endless white sand beaches and sprawling national parks from a true local’s perspective Follow a newly hatched sea-turtle’s journey to the sea on the endless white-sand beaches of the south coast, get a soaring “eagle”-eye view of the spectacular ancient Sigiriya rock fortress, watch the world’s largest elephants travel in their home in the sprawling Udawalawe National Park, and witness doves waking with the vibrant sunrise over Colombo. Named by Lonely Planet as the top destination for travel in 2019, Sri Lanka is more than just a destination, it’s a feeling.